This year for a month I'm having my fasting month in my university, without any of my weekend have been spent with my family. well, I just weekly went to my sister's house, at least they are here, and I can break the fast with them even my parents and my beloved younger brother are not around. It still can be considered as a family. Alhamdulillah.
well it was my moments along the fasting month.
Now let me share with you guys how I went back to my hometown.
during the first two weeks of the fasting month, I went to Plaza rakyat searching for ticket to go back home at Perlis yoooo, unfortunately, there're no more ticket left for the friday night, there are only two options, there are Friday on 17 August at 10 a.m or Saturday on18 August 10 a.m.
perhaps, you guys might think, I will go for the first choice ( Friday on 17 August at 10 a.m ), well maybe it was a fate, I have chosen Saturday on18 August at 10 a.m , huhuhuhuhuhuhu... bad.. too bad guyss!! while you are waiting for the Saturday, all your friends just counting the time to meet their parents on Friday.
try to guess why I choose Saturday.. I'm not stupid, nor to skip from doing all the chords at home before celebrating Hari Raya. The fact is, I have only one class ( only one class (T_T)).... need to be attend and it was compulsory. The class was ended on 12 noon. so nak buat Genaaaaa... move on!!
everyone! everybody! Now is the day. The day I will leave the Kuala Lumpur for only a week..hahhahahh only FOR a week leave.. WTF! Wow That Fantastic. =D
On the wonderful of Saturday on 18 August at 10 a.m I was in the bus, be ready to moved from KL to Perlis, unfortunately... ( still challenging and terrible ) :
Abg bas : dik! hang nak p kangaQ ka? ( are you going to kangar?)
me: haaa awatnya?? ( yes, why?)
Abg Bas: naik bas belakang , hat nomboq tiga sana, bas nie malas nak masuk kangar dah.. ( could you be on the third bus, at the back, we are not going to Kangar anymore)
me: fineeeeeeeee.... ok PAKCIK!
hampa taw dakk!! nie yang nak marah!! bayaq mahal2 x mau masuk , dah tu bagi bas buruk kat aku!! SHIT!
everybody deserve to get a lot of challenge to let them be more tough and strong, I'm not the exception dude...
the bus was too bad in standard condition. Shaking me well like we are in the gigs, I bet you, you can just have your own personal massage machine here, doesn't need to buy the ogawa machines, the sits in this bus can give the shaking that you want when they hit something. grrrrrrrrrrrr...
I just make a damn, fucking, slut song in my deep strong heart about this bus, while pray to Allah, bless us, all the muslim in this bus, and please forgive us , Astaghfirullah... because we can't perform solat. The driver didn't stop for just 30 minutes as he wanted to avoid the traffic jam in Juru Pulau Pinang.
Alhamdulillah, in a terrible journey, in a trouble of time, in a damn bus , I arrived in Perlis at 8 pm.
My parents break their fast in the car while waiting for me.
I'm hugging them tightly, I miss them so much!!!
alhamdulillah, but i hate Mar%$#@!******* compony of the bus!!