Assalammualaikum everyone
alhamdulillah, I'd still been given a chance to write something in here, so? what will be the story this time? oh yes, my best experience in IJN, Institut Jantung Negara.
well.. hmmm. Ya Allah! I felt so grateful being here, the atmosphere in here was very light and look so calmed. IJN like a Five stars hotel. okayyy.. before I was in here, there were so many things I'd thought , something like, the atmosphere. I was never thought their atmosphere in here was so calm, at first I thought it will be rushed and people in here were mostly serious and can't make any joke. The fact is, I was wrong, people in here were very good and talkative and sharing with us a lot of knowledge.
they teach us, the simple anatomy and the simple note to understand. The fact and the reason had came together in their teaching process, so it helps us so much to understand. seriously, I've learned a lot. I felt so thankful and relief. it was because at least I've found the solutions to understand something that I like in my field.
seriously I love this place, and I wish to be their staff, and before the dreams come true, I want to be somebody that is good in everything , I bet 3 years might be enough to reach this. Amin....
it won't be a daydreaming but it will be real. Inshaa Allah.
the moments that I could share with you guys and being my sweet memory, In shaa Allah I'll be there too . amin