assalammualaikum and very good morning, good afternoon or maybe good evening and good night ... zzzzZZZZ ( who will be my readers? oh please I need your support). the topic for today, as you know, it have been a long time I've never update this lovely site and I miss it everyday, tapi nak wAT genaaaa.... what to do if I have to choose between assignment and blog. well, of course I have no choice ( opssss.. WRONG! got a choice actually) the choice is to finish all the assignment that I never like.. huhuhuhuhu.. who else on this earth love the words of 'AsSIgNMENT' who? yess .. I know.. lecturers, teacher, sensei... huaaaaahuaaahuaaa..
well.. ehhemmm back to the topic please, okay.. now.. wait? what I'm going to say?? already forgot and it shouldn't be happen okay!! no.. tak mau.. tak mau lagu ni.. ( abis hampa nak lagu apa?..haahahaha xsyok sendiri naaaa) ...
friend. not a typical words to say, to be and to have . am I right? correct me guys. who are among you that doesn't have any best friend in your life, not to say just a best friend but perhaps a friend. let me share something, there are some people have a lot of friend until they got a problem to treat them well, some have only a friend and get sick of it hmmm (how?) but the thing is , do you truly know the meaning of friend guys??
simple, the question is so simple and you still can't answer even a minute is given right? some people might said, friends is a book, friends like a candle, brighter the whole life (konon.. dann.. dan.. ) , friends like a.. aaaa.. like a .aaa... arghhhh (please klik like banyak2) hahahahaha... I don't mind whatever that will be the answer , because we are not being born to be a same people with a same thought but we can have some related view about everything happening around us . am I right?
friend is ..... why supposed to be here, because the meaning of the friend is too abundant and who am I in here to describe about the meaning of a friend, we actually have it on your own, and we know better about this.
but who among us, can feel the friendship around you?. well, a lot of people said that, a friend is when you get to know them in and out, spending a long time with them, cry and laugh together and they proclaim everything about them without anything hidden at the back. when we have all these kind of this properties in our friendship, they actually are the friends who wouldn't leave you in any of crucial condition.
Can anyone translate to me something? which is, when your friend got a problem and make a mistake, a BIG mistake, do you going to leave your friend? never trying to repair anything broken in anywhere, or you just make a big X in front of your friend's face? pretending that your friend never are in among you guys as a one group? I tell you, .. this is not a friendship spirit.
when your friend is trouble maker, what should do? leave that trouble maker alone? ignore your friend?
actually, be with your friend in whatever condition, trying to solve not to add some more burden, tell your friend what to do .. please make it beneficial towards both of you guys. never let them cry without you, wipe their tears and make them smile. Just in this way, even a big problem can be solve easily, can be face with confident, your life will happily ever after.
where else you can find the sweetness of friendship, if you can't mould it in your own way.
p/s: put your hand on your heart, feel the beat, say alhamdulillah..